Vydáno dne 02.03.2009
Slovíčka z lekce kurzu Angličtina pro začátečníky
preposition - a preposition used to express that somebody (or something) got their name from something or somebody else
adverb - back in time, before now
preposition - earlier than
verb - to get something and pay for it
noun - a meeting of two people who are in love
noun - the time by which something has to be finished, handed in etc.
noun - The meal which you have in the evening. In many countries it is the main meal of the day
verb - to finish, to stop doing something, to make something stop
noun - a test that evaluates someone's skill or knowledge
verb - to become a husband and wife, to become someone's husband or wife
noun - a musical instrument made from wood, played by hitting or strumming six strings
noun - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
adverb - the month before this one
adverb - yesterday evening, the night before
adverb - the week before this one
adverb - the year before this one
noun, American English - a story you can see in the cinema or on video or DVD
noun - an occasion where people come to have fun, eat, and drink and sometimes dance
adjective - not feeling well, having an illness
adverb - a day ago
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