Course Map (mapa
Unit 06: Telephone English
Vítejte zpět v našem kurzu obchodní angličtiny. Předejme rovnou slovo
Michaelu Skodovi a jeho příběhu.
Hello, welcome back. How are you all? Do you still remember the letter
I got from the recruitment agency? It was a very general letter, I was getting
worried that the letter was meant to reject me. Well, they actually called me
today, which is fantastic, and we arranged a job interview in London for
next week.
I even recorded it for you to listen to. Unfortunately, though,
I managed to delete it so I can only offer the transcript for you to read.
Here it is:
- Hello.
- Hello. Is that Mr Skoda?
- Speaking.
- Hello, Mr Skoda. My name is Janet Green from Jobs Board Consulting. I have
Mr Chester calling. May I put him through?
- Er, yes, of course.
- Thank you. I'll connect you.
- Is that Michael Skoda?
- Yes, speaking.
- Hello, Mr Skoda. This is Steve Chester. I'm calling with regard to your
interest in the position of Business Development Manager. Do you have a few
- Well, I'm afraid it's rather inconvenient, Mr
Chester. I'm at my dentist's right now. Can I call you back?
- That won't be necessary. I can call again, let's say in two hours?
- Erm, yes. At 3 pm I will be definitely back
- Ok, I'll talk to you later then. Goodbye, Mr Skoda.
- Yes. Goodbye, Mr Chester.
- Michael Skoda.
- Hello, Mr Skoda. This is Steve Chester again. Can we talk about our
job offer?
- Yes, of course. I am sorry about before, but
I really couldn't talk.
- It's no problem at all, Mr Skoda. So, we received your CV together with a
covering letter last week and I would like to arrange an interview with you.
There are basically two options. Either we can do a telephone interview, now or
sometime this week, or you could come to our place and we could talk in person.
I would definitely appreciate it if you could come in person, but I'll also
understand if you can't. The thing is that I need to do the interview with you
by Wednesday next week at the very latest.
- Oh, I also think that meeting in person would be much
better, but I have to make sure there are still some flights
- You don't have to do that. My assistant's checked that for you and there
are still some seats on all flights this week and next. Would Monday be
convenient for you?
- Oh, thank you. It's very kind. I'm not working at the
moment and I don't have any plans for next week, so I'm able
to come.
- Great. The flight departs at 9 am and you should arrive in London at about
11 am. I would like to arrange an appointment with you for 1 pm. Do you think
you can make it?
- Erm, I will probably come to London on Sunday and
check into a hotel. I must say that I wouldn't feel too comfortable with an
interview right after a flight. If that's ok with you.
- Sure, whatever's best for you. Can I still keep the time of the interview
at 1 pm though?
- Of course, I will come to London on Sunday and
I will be available any time on Monday. I can come on Monday morning if
you like.
- That won't be necessary. I will see you on Monday at 1 pm then. Do you
have our address or should I arrange for you to get the contact details.
- No, that's fine. I have everything
I need.
- OK, I will give you my assistant's phone number in case there should be
any changes. Do you have a pen?
- Yes.
- The number's 0044 658 987 234.
- So it's 0044 658 987 234.
- That's right.
- Ok, thank you very much for considering me for the
position and I look forward to seeing you next Monday.
- Yes, see you next Monday. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
There you go. I must say that I'm really excited and can't wait for the
interview even though I am a bit nervous, of course. I'll let you know how it
went as soon as I can. Until then, bye bye.
Tento krátký vstup nám opět posunul Michaelův příběh trochu dopředu.
Než se dozvíte, jak to s Michaelem bude pokračovat dál, čeká vás
šestá lekce, která se bude věnovat
Nejprve, jako vždy, rozebereme užitečná spojení z tohoto textu
v kapitole Word and Phrase Analyses, pak nás
čeká kvíz a poté se dostaneme k hlavní kapitole celé lekce ‘Jak
telefonovat’. Na závěr budete opět doplňovat text vhodnými
slovíčky. Samozřejmě že půjde o přepis telefonátu.
Pro ty z vás, kteří o telefonování v angličtině obecně moc neví,
zde máme starší článek Základy telefonování.