Vydáno dne 24.03.2009
Slovní zásoba týkající se karetních her, hracích karet apod.
noun - the highest card
noun - one of the rectangular pieces of hard paper used in games such as poker, bridge etc.
noun - a playing card (or a group of playing cards) with a black three-leafed symbol
verb - to divide a deck of cards in two piles at random
verb - to distribute playing cards to the players in a game
noun - a pack of playing cards (usually 52 pieces)
noun - a playing card with two symbols and/or the number 2 on it
noun - a playing card (or a group of playing cards) with a red diamond symbol on it
verb - to take one or more cards from the deck
noun - a playing card (or a group of playing cards) with a red heart symbol on it
noun - the playing card with the letter J on it
noun - a special card in the deck of cards, it usually has a picture of a jester on it
noun - a playing card with the picture of a king and the letter K on it
noun - a playing card with the picture of a queen and the letter Q on it
verb - to mix (esp. playing cards) so that they are in a random order
noun - a playing card (or a group of cards) with a black leaf symbol on it
noun - a pile of cards on the table that you use in a game, especially those that haven't been dealt
noun - one of the four groups of playing cards (spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds)
noun - the suit (spades, diamonds, clubs or hearts) that has been selected to rank above the other suits
noun - a playing card (usually the joker) whose value is determined by the player
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