Vydáno dne 22.03.2009
Slovní zásoba spojená s “Hrou králů”.
noun - the chesspiece that can only move diagonally
verb - to take the one of the opponent's chesspieces
noun - a special chess move in which the king and either of the rooks move towards each other and interchange position
noun - a game that ends in a way that neither side wins
adverb - (French) a special move in chess in which the pawn that has moved by two squares can be captured as if it had only moved by one square
noun - a situation in which the opponent's king is under threat of being captured
noun - the conclusive victory in a game of chess
noun - a game for two people played on a black and white board, each player has 16 playing pieces and must capture the opponent's king
noun - any of the 32 pieces that are used in playing chess (pawn, knight, bishop...)
noun - a board used to play chess
noun - the most important chesspiece, it can move in all directions, only one square at a time
noun - the chesspiece that looks like a horse's head, its move looks like the letter L
verb - to change the position of a chesspiece on the chessboard
noun - the most numerous and the least powerful chesspiece, it only moves forward and captures to the side
noun - the move in chess in which the pawn is replaced by either a queen, rook, knight or bishop
noun - the strongest chesspiece, it can move any number of squares in all directions
noun - a chesspiece that looks like a tower, its initial position in the game is in the corner of the chessboard
noun - a situation in which the king has no legal moves but is not in check
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