Vydáno dne 27.03.2009
25 slovíček z páté epizody internetového seriálu CHAD VADER.
verb - to be unfaithful to someone esp. by helping their enemy
verb - to let something explode; to destroy something by using explosives
noun, informal - the part of your body on which you sit
noun - two or more things that happen by chance
verb - to become impossible to see or find
adjective - unhappy because something that you hoped for didn't happen
adjective - feeling as if the world is turning around you and that you might fall, usually as a result of being somewhere very high, or of an illness
adjective - under the influence of alcohol, having drunk too much
determiner - as much as is needed or necessary
noun - the hand with all the fingers closed in, often used to hit something/somebody
adjective - of the past, of an earlier time
noun - a visible form of a dead person that can usually fly and go through walls etc.
verb - to take hold of something suddenly
adjective, informal - sexy, very attractive
adjective, informal - very bad
noun - a person who doesn't speak the truth
noun, informal - someone who's in love
verb, informal - to irritate someone
noun - a child that another child plays with
verb - to feel sorry that you have or haven't done something
noun - a law or order that tells people what they should or have to do
verb - to hit a person or animal with your car etc.
verb - to watch somebody secretly, to look for a person's secrets
noun - the act in which a person kills himself/herself deliberately
noun, informal - a piece of furniture (or a small room) where you can get rid of the waste material in your body
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