Vydáno dne 08.04.2009
Vybraná slovíčka ze seriálu LOST (Ztraceni), epizoda 1×01.
verb, informal - to become unconscious
noun - the state of losing blood
noun - the air that you take inside your body
adjective - quiet and peaceful
noun - the place at the front of a plane from which the pilot controls the plane
noun - a brain injury caused by hitting the head
noun - the tightening of a muscle, especially the tightening of the womb during childbirth
verb - to say numbers in successive order (1, 2, 3 ...)
verb - to be about something, to have something as its subject, to be on the topic of something
noun - physical or mental pain
noun, American English - long, heavy curtains
noun - a machine that makes something move, the inner part of a car etc. that makes it move
adjective - well known, not strange
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
verb, informal - to go crazy
noun - harmful smoke or gas with unpleasant smell
noun - the main body of an airplane
verb - to help somebody with something
adjective - causing terror and fear, shocking
adjective - not damaged
noun - a piece of land in the middle of a sea, ocean, lake etc.
noun - a person whose job is to keep an eye on people on the beach and help them if they are drowning etc.
noun - a thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and an eye on the other, it is used for sewing
adjective - strange, unusual
verb - to cover a hole (in clothes etc.) with a piece of material
adjective - (of a woman or a female animal) about to have a baby
verb - to save somebody from a harmful or dangerous situation (e.g. in the mountains etc.)
verb - to tear quickly or suddenly
noun - a strap at a seat in a car or plane etc. that helps to prevent serious injury in case of an accident
verb - to use a needle and thread on a piece of cloth (e.g to make clothes etc.)
noun - the line of bones that goes down a person's back or the back of an animal
adjective - without moving and making any sound
noun - the part of the body that is located between the chest and the hip, the belly
noun - a medical operation on the body involving cutting open the skin etc.
noun - the rear part of a plane
verb - to vomit; to let food come out of your stomach through your mouth, esp. when you feel sick
adjective - moved in a way that one side is higher than the other
adjective - not likely
adjective - strange; not usual or normal
noun - an injury, a place where somebody was hurt
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