Vydáno dne 13.04.2009
Slovíčka z písně skupiny Coldplay – The Scientist
noun - a number
verb - to follow somebody constantly, esp. without them knowing it
noun - the side of a coin that usually has a number and a picture of a person's head on it
verb - to run after something or somebody
adjective - nice and beautiful
verb - to separate
noun - movement forward
verb - pull something violently so that it breaks into pieces
noun - a picture cut into many little pieces that people have fit together
verb - to hurry; to do something too quickly
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
noun - something that is kept hidden from people, something not known to people
verb - to make someone or something seem better than others
noun - something that makes you feel sorry or disappointed
noun - the part of the body of most animals (dogs, cats, monkeys, fish etc.) that grows at the back and can be usually moved
noun - the back side of a coin, it does not have a picture of a person's head on it
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