Vydáno dne 13.04.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚Californication‘ skupiny Red Hot Chili Peppers
noun, American English - the process of getting older
noun - the lowest floor of a building, one that is located under the ground
noun - a wide street with trees on both sides
verb - to produce
noun - a woman who is getting married
noun - a famous person
noun - a group of stars, usually those forming an imaginary picture in the sky
verb - to desire something very strongly
noun - the act of destroying something
noun - a situation in which the ground starts shaking, it usually causes great damage to houses, roads etc.
noun - a line where something begins or ends
noun - a state or feeling of extreme joy and happiness
noun - a small magical creature from children's tales that looks like a woman and has wings
noun - (disapproving) sex between people who are not married
noun - the area (usually wilderness) at the edge of a settled country or territory
adjective, informal - very rough, very intense
adjective, informal - very happy, usually after you take a drug
noun - the part of your face below your mouth
noun - a place where something is built, happens or grows etc.
noun - movies, magazines, books etc. that show sex and their purpose is to excite people sexually
adjective - having strange supernatural powers such as the ability to read your mind, move objects without touching them etc.
adjective - not smooth
verb - to start to live in a place; to sit down comfortably
noun - a state caused as if by magic
noun - an area of activity or interest
noun - a person who tries to find out the enemy's secrets
noun - a doctor who performs operations
noun - a huge wave in the sea or ocean that destroys houses etc. on the coast
noun - an animal from fables and legends that looks like a horse and has a horn on his nose
noun, American English - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
verb - to fight (a war)
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