Vydáno dne 15.04.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚Otherside‘ skupiny Red Hot Chili Peppers
noun - a dish made of glass, porcelain, metal etc. where you let the cigarette ash fall
verb - to bring to existence
noun - someone who is considered for a certain position
noun - a place with many graves of people
noun - a period of one hundred years
verb - to be the same as
noun - the time before now, before the present
verb - to make a liquid flow somewhere
adjective - bright red; a kind of bright red colour
verb - to move apart, to split or divide something
verb - to move smoothly over a surface without moving your feet or without turning wheels
verb - to make a long narrow cut with a knife etc.
noun, informal - usually a woman who has casual sex with a number of different men
noun - a person who is very close to you, who understands you perfectly and whom you understand perfectly
verb, informal - to tell someone something secret
noun - a young person who is predicted to become a film/TV star in the future
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
verb - to damage something by pulling it apart, such as paper, cloth etc.
noun - a long and very thin piece of material that is used for sewing etc.
noun - the front part of the neck, especially the tube in it; the back part of your mouth
noun - the part of gun that you press to make it fire
verb - to shout loudly
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