Vydáno dne 15.04.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚Zephyr Song‘ skupiny Red Hot Chili Peppers
noun - a person whose job is to fly an airplane etc.
noun - a place where things are put so that people can see them
noun - a strong feeling of love, hate, anger etc.
verb - (of a light) to go on and off regularly in flashes
adverb - always, for all the time
noun - a person who can see what happens in the future and whose job is telling people what will happen to them
noun - a children's toy made of paper covering a light frame, it is tied on a string and it flies in the wind
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 82) a very heavy soft metal
verb - to float in the air
noun - someone who sets people free
verb - to go past
noun - a set of blades that rotate rapidly and drive a ship or an aircraft forward
noun - a person who opposes authority
verb - (usually of an engine) to make it run faster
noun - a person who rides a skateboard
noun - the condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow etc. at a certain time at a certain place
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
noun, literary - light breeze
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