Vydáno dne 24.04.2009
Slovní zásoba z článku na Help for English
noun - a long yellow tropical fruit
noun, British English - a plant with a large root which is sometimes eaten as a vegetable
verb - to make a smooth substance using a blender
noun - a machine that changes solid food into liquid
noun, informal - something that will give you energy esp. when you are tired
noun - an object with six square sides
noun - the root of a tropical plant, commonly used as a spice all over the world
noun - a large piece of something
noun - frozen water
noun - an oval fruit with green juicy flesh, it is originally from New Zealand
verb - to make a liquid flow somewhere
noun - a set of instructions for cooking something
noun - a thick drink made with blended fruit and yoghurt or milk
noun - a small red fruit that usually grows in the garden, it is sweet and juicy
noun - a milk product with a slightly sour taste, usually with a flavour of fruits, chocolate etc.
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