Vydáno dne 25.04.2009
Slovíčka z UNIT 2 našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny.
noun - information in the newspapers or TV etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product, use a service etc.
noun - something that has been managed, esp. through hard work etc.
verb - to make a formal request for something; to make a formal request for a job etc.
noun - something good that you get from your employer apart from your salary
noun - extra money you get from your employer
noun - an area of study, a division, a part (of a company etc)
noun - the section in a newspaper where you can find short ads
noun - an advertisement on TV or radio
noun, formal - a letter that you send along with some documents, esp. a personal letter you send with your CV
noun - (abbreviation) a formal list of your personal data, qualifications, experience, etc. used especially when you apply for a job
noun - knowledge or skill that you get from what you have gone through and from practice
noun - people's comments and opinions you get in response to your performance, work etc.
verb, informal - to take somebody's job away
adjective - (of a job) with the usual working hours
noun - the money you get regularly, e.g. for your work etc.
noun - the list of responsibilities connected with a particular job
noun - not enough, too little or too few
verb - to start using something, to introduce something and start using it
verb - to keep in good condition
adjective - (of a job) with shorter working hours than usual
noun - money paid regularly to somebody who has reached a certain age and stopped working
noun - a job, a thing that you do as a job
noun - a person who represents another person, a group of people, an organization, a nation etc.
verb - to give up a job, a position or a post
noun - ability to be trusted or relied on
noun - the money you get every month for the work you have done
verb - to concentrate on one field only in order to be very good at it
noun - selling things or services by using the telephone
noun - an organization that protects the rights of workers
preposition - as much as, as many as...
noun - a place, room, position etc. that is available to be used
noun - money that you get for what you do at work
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