Vydáno dne 27.04.2009
Slovíčka z UNIT 4 našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny.
verb - to be grateful for something, to realize the value of something and behave accordingly
adjective - right for a particular situation, suitable
verb - to fasten something somewhere
noun - a file that you send as a part of en e-mail
noun - the origin of something; the type of family or class that you come from
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
verb - to think about something carefully
noun - the act of giving something careful thought
noun - the delivery of goods
verb - to put something into the envelope with a letter, e.g. a photo, a document etc.
noun - a document that is put in an envelope together with a letter
noun - a person responsible for running a business
noun - a number
verb - to give something to all the people in a group
verb - to give something to somebody
adverb, formal - but, although
noun - a kind of difficulty that makes you lose your comfort etc.
verb - to include someone or something in an activity, to make use of something or somebody in an activity
noun - one of the things on a list
verb - to be suitable for something; look well together with something
verb - to speak about something in very few words and without giving much information
noun - something that stands in the way
adjective - happening or being now, at this time, belonging to the time around now
adjective - proved to be true, undoubted
conjunction - for the reason that
noun, formal - a formal invitation issued by governments or government agencies for companies to offer products or services
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