Vydáno dne 01.05.2009
Slovní zásoba z článku na Help for English
noun - an amount or number of something produced at the same time
noun - a wrapped mixture of herbs that you use as seasoning
noun - a deep round container, usually used for holding food, liquids etc.
verb - to heat something until it starts boiling
noun - a root vegetable used as food, usually in vegetable soups etc., it has a very strong flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked
verb - to cover the surface with something
noun - a large piece of something
noun - the top of a container that you can take off
verb - to cut something, usually meat, into very small pieces, especially using a special machine
noun - a combination of a number of different things, a substance made by mixing different ingredients together
verb - to take away the covering (of a fruit or vegetable)
verb - to make a liquid flow somewhere
verb - to fry small pieces of food quickly in a small amount of oil
noun - a kind of onion with very small bulbs
verb - to cook slowly in water that is almost boiling
noun - a very thin piece of bread, ham, cheese etc.
adjective - tasting like a lemon etc., not sweet
noun - a dish consisting of meat, vegetables, or other ingredients cooked slowly in liquid, often in a covered pot.
noun - the liquid in which you have boiled meat, you use it to make different soups and sauces
adjective - (of meat etc.) soft and easy to cut, opposite of 'tough'
noun - a vegetable with a large round root which is eaten
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