Vydáno dne 07.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně zpěvačky PINK s názvem ‚I Don‘t Believe You'
adverb - not together, separate
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
noun - a hard hit with a hand or a weapon
verb - to visit someone briefly
verb - to weep, to make loud sounds showing your unhappiness and sadness, to produce tears
noun - the images or pictures you have in your head when you sleep
adverb - sufficiently, as much as is needed, to a sufficient degree
verb - to drop to the ground
verb - to have an argument, to argue
verb - to surrender, to go to the police when they are trying to find you and arrest you
noun, informal - a child
verb - to dislike something, to have something against
adverb - not any more, never again
noun - strong love or another strong feeling
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
verb - to make somebody remember something
noun - a metal/wooden frame with a a seat hanging from it, you can sit on it and move back and forth for fun
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