Vydáno dne 08.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚All the Right Moves‘ od ONE REPUBLIC
adjective - of higher quality etc.
preposition - in a place that is in the middle of two or more things
adjective - clever, smart, intelligent
noun - the end of life, opposite of 'life'
verb - to stand with your face in the direction of something
noun - the front of your head, there are two eyes and a nose and mouth
verb - to use weapons or your own body to try to defeat somebody, usually in a violent way
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
noun - a playing card (or a group of playing cards) with a red heart symbol on it
noun - a playing card with the picture of a king and the letter K on it
verb - to be of importance
noun - a change of place
adjective - pleasant, polite
noun - a loud sound, loud sounds
noun - a very large area of water, much bigger than a sea
verb - to make picture by using paint and brushes etc.
adjective - the best possible, faultless
noun - a playing card with the picture of a queen and the letter Q on it
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
adjective - correct, true
verb - to produce light
verb - to go down under water, to go down to the bottom
noun - a person who is in the army
verb - to give an impression
noun - something that can be heard
noun - room, empty place
noun - a playing card (or a group of cards) with a black leaf symbol on it
adjective - of a particular kind, value etc, not ordinary
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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