Vydáno dne 12.05.2009
Slovíčka z UNIT 5 našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny.
verb - to assign a function, duty, responsibility etc. to sb
adverb - if nothing else
noun - the succession of jobs you have
verb - to perform something; to do a task, obey a command, follow instructions etc.
noun, American English - a kind of small telephone which you can easily carry in your bag or pocket
noun - a person who works in the same company
verb - to ask someone to leave, to allow someone to leave
adjective - the same, of the same number, quality, amount etc.
adverb - an adverb used to intensify something or emphasize something unexpected
noun - an occasion that has been organized and that is attended by many people
noun - a folder where you keep documents together
noun - a large envelope into which you put documents
verb - to send something that you have received to another address (esp. e-mails)
noun - something that is sold or bought
verb - to give somebody money to work for you; to pay for using something for a short time
noun - a person who is asked questions at an interview
noun - a person who asks questions at an interview
noun - a person who has been educated in law and whose job is connected with law
verb - to terminate someone's employment
verb - to control or direct something
adjective - the lowest, the smallest possible
adverb - however, from another point of view
noun - a chance to do something
verb - to get, usually without having to pay for it
noun - the part of the phone that you speak into and listen to
noun - a person who a letter or parcel is addressed to
verb - to find new employees for a company
noun - the act of hiring new employees for a company
verb - to evaluate, to judge something critically
verb, informal - to take somebody's job away
adjective - enough, having as much as is needed
adjective - belonging to the time, not old or old-fashioned
verb - to include latest information in something (a report, website etc.)
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