Vydáno dne 12.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚Hey Soul Sister‘ od skupiny TRAIN
verb, informal - informal negative form of the verb BE and sometimes of other verbs
verb - to hit something repeatedly
verb - to make someone amazed, thrilled, excited or shocked
adjective - fastened, tied up
noun - the organ that we have inside our head, we need it to think and feel etc.
verb - to crash into something
noun - a place where two things meet
verb, American English, informal - to dance impressively well
verb - to make a choice, to make up your mind
verb - to say that something is not true
noun - the course of movement of a person or a thing
noun - an illegal substance that gives you pleasant or exciting feelings
adjective - keeping to the rules
verb - not to know something that you knew before
noun - a TV programme where people get points by doing something or answering questions
noun - a criminal who is a member of an organized gang
adjective - pleased, happy
verb - to think about one thing only, to see things only from one point of view
noun - the front of your body between your arms
noun - a group of things of the same type
noun - a thing that is used to make your lips redder etc.
noun - a subpart of an organ, esp. the brain
verb - to be too late for something; to fail to go somewhere
noun - a ray of moonlight
adjective - interested in something too much; unable to think about anything else
adjective - only one
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
noun - a small area that has a different colour etc. than the area around it, esp. because something was spilled on it; a dirty spot on something
adjective - making you feel happy
noun - a violent criminal
adjective - not made nice and neat by cutting off unwanted parts
noun - a girl or a woman who has never had sexual intercourse
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