Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚Wish You Were Here‘ od legendární skupiny PINK FLOYD
noun - the grey powder left after a fire
noun - light wind
noun - a box made of wires used for keeping birds or other animals
noun - a situation in which your body has everything it needs
verb - to change something for something else; to trade something for something
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
noun - a large area of open land used especially for farming
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
noun - a round tank with water used to keep a goldfish in
noun - a visible form of a dead person that can usually fly and go through walls etc.
noun - the surface of the earth
noun - the place where a god lives or where he takes good people after they die
noun - a place where the devil lives or where bad people are believed to go after they die
noun - a person who is special for some people, esp. one who has achieved something great or one that is brave and strong
noun - the main actor or one of the main actors on a movie, TV show etc.
noun - the feeling you have in a part of body that has been hurt
noun - a character played by an actor (in a film etc.)
noun - A long thing along stairs or a balcony, which you can hold on to stop you falling
noun - the air above a particular place
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
noun - a hard strong metal made from iron mixed with carbon, it is used for making knives etc.
verb - to notice (e.g. a difference)
verb - to exchange, to give one thing for another
noun - a piece of soft material that goes over the head and face of a woman
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