Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písničky skupiny The Beatles
adverb - with nobody else, with nobody's help
adverb - no matter where
verb - to make a request for
verb - to wake up
noun - a large container for water, in which you can sit or lie and wash your body
noun - a piece of furniture on which you can lie and sleep
verb - to wait for the right time to do something
noun - an animal with feathers and wings, it can usually fly
verb - to move forward on your arms and legs with your body near the ground or touching the ground completely
verb - to take liquid, such as water, into your body through your mouth
noun - a burning pile of wood etc, a burning house etc.
verb - to travel through the air
noun - a piece of furniture with four legs, that you usually sit on when you are at the table
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
verb - to make something burn; to set something on fire
adjective - coming from or connected with Norway
verb - to see something suddenly
adverb - one time
noun - a place in the house with four walls, a door etc.
noun - a small kind of carpet which doesn't cover the whole floor
verb - be supposed to
verb - to let somebody see something
verb - to rest your body on a chair, sofa etc
verb - to continue to be somewhere; to live somewhere as a guest usually for a short time
verb - to speak with somebody and give information to each other
verb - to give somebody information
noun - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
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