Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně skupiny Nirvana: ‚My Girl‘
verb - (of air) to move
noun - the physical part of a person or an animal
adjective - of a low temperature
adjective - discovered when you searched for it
noun - a female child, not a boy
adjective - working very much
noun - the part of the body that has eyes, ears, mouth etc.
noun - a man who is married
adverb - yesterday evening, the night before
verb - not to tell the truth
noun - a unit measuring length (1.6 km)
noun - the part of the day when people usually sleep
noun - a tall tree with needles that bears cones
verb - to produce light
verb - to shake from cold
verb - to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive, usually at night in bed
noun - the yellow star that shines in the sky and gives us heat and light
preposition - going in at one end and out at the other, e.g. tunnels, doors, passages etc.
adjective - complete, entire
noun - moving air
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