Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně skupiny Nirvana: ‚Come As You Are‘
verb - not to be somewhere in time or have something done in time
noun - a chemical substance that is used to make something white (for example clothes, hair etc.)
verb - to arrive, to go in your direction
verb - to cover in water or another liquid, to soak completely
noun - a person who is not friendly towards you, somebody who you fight
noun - a person who you like and know well and who is not from your family
noun - a weapon that shoots bullets
verb - to do something more quickly
noun - choosing between things, an option, several possibilities to choose from
noun - something that you remember from your past
noun - wet earth
adjective - completely wet
verb - to make a very serious promise
verb - to relax for a while, to have a break
verb - not to hurry with something
verb - to wish to have something, to need
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