Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Words from the song ‚ONE‘ by U2
verb - to behave, to pretend
verb - to say that something is the fault of somebody, that somebody is guilty of something
verb - to move something from one place to another, esp. by lifting it up at one place and putting it down at another
verb - to move forward on your arms and legs with your body near the ground or touching the ground completely
verb - to let somebody down, to cause someone to be sad and unhappy because you haven't done something that the person hoped for
verb - to pull something heavy along
pronoun - a pronoun referring to a mutual, reciprocal relationship between members of a group (or pair), X to Y and at the same time Y to X
noun - mercy, the willingness to accept someone's apology, the willingness to forgive
verb - to start to feel well after an illness
verb - to manage without something, to survive even if you don't have something
verb - try not to lose something
verb - to cause somebody to feel pain, to injure
noun - a rule made by the government that must be followed
noun - a person sick with leprosy
noun - something that is important for you
noun - the time before now, before the present
verb - to bring someone back to life
adjective - exactly like something else, not different
verb - to have something in common, to use one thing together with somebody else
noun - the sense that enables you to know one food from another by putting it in your mouth
noun - a large building where religious ceremonies take place and where people go to pray
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