Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Words from the song ‚BEAUTIFUL DAY‘ by U2
verb - (of a plant) to produce flowers, to open flowers
noun - a deep valley that was made by a river (esp. in areas with little rainfall)
noun - an example of something, a situation solved by the police, a detective or a court
noun - a white or grey thing that floats in the sky
noun - the place where you are going or aiming to get to; the goal of a journey
noun - a group of ships
noun - a situation in which water rises above its usual level and covers places that are normally dry
noun - God's kindness to people
adjective - without hope
noun - the ability to form pictures in your mind, the ability to get new and original ideas
noun - a flat green part of a plant, flower or a tree
noun - a system of paths most of which don't lead anywhere and you have to find a way through it
noun - wet earth
noun - a thick dark liquid that is used for making many kinds of fuel (e.g. petrol, diesel etc.), it comes from under the ground
verb - to move your hand to touch something, to move your hand up in order to do something
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
verb - to use a house, flat etc. which is not yours (for money); to let somebody use your house, flat etc. for money
verb - to grow very quickly (esp. of a plant etc.)
adjective - full of stones, covered with stones
adjective - unable to move in any direction
verb - to make a physical contact with something
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
noun - a kind of large sea fish that people eat
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