Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně ‚Bad Romance‘ zpěvačky LADY GAGA.
conjunction - only if
noun, informal - an annoying woman, an annoying situation
adjective - trapped, unable to leave, unable to do anything
noun - a person who has done a serious illegal thing
noun - a drawing showing how something should be made or built
noun - a serious illness
noun - an emotionally intense situation
noun - the style of clothing that is popular at the time
adjective - costing nothing, given out without money
noun - a great shock or fear
adjective - made of the skin of an animal
noun - strong love or another strong feeling
noun, informal - a crazy person
noun - something you do in order to harm or hurt someone because they have hurt you
noun - a romantic relationship, esp. a short one
adjective - decorated by pieces of metal that are fastened to the surface of something, esp. clothes
adjective - unpleasant to look at, not nice or beautiful
adjective - going straight up
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