Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písničky Johna Lennona s názvem IMAGINE
preposition - in a higher place, higher than
preposition - at a lower place than
noun - the members of certain organizations, religions and cults
verb - to stop living, to become dead
noun - a person who lives in the world of fantasy and dreams
adjective - not difficult, of low difficulty, able to be done without much effort or trouble
noun - the wish to have more and more, never having enough
noun - the place where a god lives or where he takes good people after they die
noun - a place where the devil lives or where bad people are believed to go after they die
noun - the wish or need to eat something
verb - to form a picture in your mind
verb - to become a part of a group
verb - to end somebody's life
noun - all the people in the world
noun - the time when there is no war or fighting
noun - belongings; something that you own (usually plural)
noun - belief in a god (or gods) and things connected with it
verb - to have something in common, to use one thing together with somebody else
adverb - sometime in the future
verb - to make an effort to do something
verb - to ask yourself questions, to keep thinking about
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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