Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně skupiny Metallica s názvem UNFORGIVEN
verb - to fight with someone or something, to try to overcome someone or something
adjective - resentful, cynical
noun - the red liquid that flows inside our body
verb - to be interested in or worry about something
adjective - happening all the time, without stopping
verb - to give something (or yourself) entirely to something (e.g. a cause) or somebody
verb - to take something away from somebody
noun - the state of losing respect of other people, something that makes people stop respecting you
verb - to pull
verb - to pronounce someone a knight
noun - the planet that we live on
verb - to become a part of a group
adverb - not anymore
verb - to make somebody happy
adverb - in a regretful way
noun - a law or order that tells people what they should or have to do
verb - to try to overcome something very hard
verb, formal - to take control of someone
pronoun, dated - an archaic form of the personal pronoun YOU (used as an object)
noun - an idea, opinion
preposition - all over something
adjective - not forgiven
preposition, dated - to, towards
noun - a solemn promise
verb - to hit a person with an instrument made of a piece of leather fastened to a handle, usually as a punishment
noun - a wish to do something
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