Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně skupiny QUEEN s názvem ‚The Show Must Go On‘
adjective - deserted, not occupied anymore
verb - to have a dull continuous pain
noun - a document that states how much you have paid or how much you have to pay (e.g. in a restaurant, or from a telephone company)
noun - an insect with big colourful wings and a long thin body
verb - to continue, to go on
noun - a place where two walls meet at an angle (usually the right angle)
noun - an act that is against the law and can be punished
noun - a large cloth dividing the stage and the audience in a theater
noun - the time in the morning before the sun starts to rise, when first light appears
adjective - having nothing inside, not full
verb - not to be afraid to deal with something difficult, dangerous or unpleasant
adjective - not successful
noun - a story for children, especially one about princesses, dragons, knights, witches etc.
verb - to come off in small thin pieces
adjective - able to do what you like, not bound, tied up, or imprisoned
verb - to stop fighting against something
verb - to continue something, to move further ahead
noun - a smile, esp. one showing your teeth
verb - to get bigger, larger or older
verb - to take place
noun - great sorrow or sadness
noun - a person who is special for some people, esp. one who has achieved something great or one that is brave and strong
noun - a thing that happens at random, without a plan or intention
adjective - done without thinking
noun - telling of a story without words only by the movement of your hands, feet etc. and with the expression on your face
noun - a romantic relationship, esp. a short one
noun - the number points or goals etc. made in a game
noun - an amusing performance, TV programme etc.
noun - a happy expression on your face
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
noun - room, empty place
verb - to change direction, to the right or left
pronoun - anything
noun - a wish to do something
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
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