Vydáno dne 13.05.2009
Slovíčka z písničky skupiny The Beatles
adjective - full of fear, fearful
adverb - no matter when
adjective - wrong; not good
verb - to start
adjective - of higher quality etc.
verb - to move something from one place to another, esp. by lifting it up at one place and putting it down at another
adjective - of a low temperature
noun - a silly person
noun - the shape that usually represents love
verb - to allow somebody to enter
noun - an act of changing place or position
noun - the feeling you have in a part of body that has been hurt
verb - to do, to carry out something
verb, informal - to pretend not to be affected by something, not to show how you feel
verb - not to participate, to resist something
verb - to keep in mind, not to forget
adjective - unhappy; making somebody feel unhappy; feeling sorrow
noun - one of the two parts of the body that connects your arm to your body
noun - the outer covering of the body
preposition - in a lower place, directly below
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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