Vydáno dne 14.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně BAD DAY, kterou zpívá Daniel Powter.
verb - to continue, to go on
conjunction - always
verb - to lose strength, energy, colour, volume etc. slowly
verb - to pretend
adjective - the color of an elephant or a mouse, it's something between white and black
noun - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
verb - to hit something with your foot
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
noun - a flat green part of a plant, flower or a tree
verb - not to tell the truth
noun - people or things standing in a row
adjective - not possible to be found, no longer possessed
noun - a low level, a low position
noun - a special quality that makes something attractive and extraodinary
verb - to be possible, maybe
verb - to dislike something, to have something against
noun - strong love or another strong feeling
noun - a part of something, a single thing
noun - a journey on horseback, on a boat, bike or motorcycle
adjective - unhappy; making somebody feel unhappy; feeling sorrow
noun - the air above a particular place
noun - a happy expression on your face
adjective - powerful, able to lift heavy things
adjective - (of food or drink bought at a restaurant etc.) taken with you, not eaten or drunk at the restaurant etc.
verb - to put upside down
verb - to change something for the better
verb - to prove to be in the end
adjective - complete, entire
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