Vydáno dne 16.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně DON'T TELL ME zpěvačky Avril Lavigne
adverb - no matter what happens or happened
noun - the body part connecting your shoulder to your hand, you have two of them
noun, informal - the soft part of your body that you sit on (very informal)
verb - to be in a more fortunate situation (especially after something has happened)
verb - to weep, to make loud sounds showing your unhappiness and sadness, to produce tears
adverb - sufficiently, as much as is needed, to a sufficient degree
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
verb - not to know something that you knew before
verb - to make oneself free from something unpleasant; to throw or give away something you do not want
verb - to stop doing something, usually a habit etc.
verb - a slang word for 'going to'
verb - to say what you think will surely happen, to say what would happen before it really happens
noun - the fact that you have done something bad or illegal
noun, informal - a person, a boy
verb - to have something in your hand
noun - beauty, attraction or magic
verb - to hit something with your foot
noun - a very unhappy person
noun, American English - a piece of clothing that covers the legs
noun - a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes when you are very sad and cry
noun - an idea, opinion
verb - to send something through the air by a fast and strong movement of the hand
verb - to believe in somebody's honesty, sincerity etc; to rely on somebody or something that they say
adjective - unhappy or worried
verb - to accompany someone
verb - to clean something by passing a cloth over it
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