Vydáno dne 16.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně zpěvačky PINK s názvem ‚Bad Influence‘
noun - proof that you could not have committed something
noun - a short period between lessons or at work, when you can rest
verb - to become quiet and peaceful
noun - the leader of an army or of a team
noun - a way to make somebody healthy
noun - the time between the sunrise and sunset
adjective - indecent and/or offensive
adjective - sudden and surprising; exciting
adjective - very exciting
noun - the reason that you give when you apologize or when somebody blames you for something
verb - to behave as if you are sexually attracted to somebody
noun - an effect, a result
noun - a person who causes something to begin
noun - an act of asking somebody to come to a place with you (a party, a restaurant etc.)
verb - to be the same as
verb - to be possible, maybe
noun - a special task that a person (or a group of people) is given
noun - a small slightly bitter fruit, it is usually green or black, it is used to make oil or eaten in salads etc.
verb - to move quickly from side to side or up and down
verb, informal - to appear, to arrive (somewhere)
noun - a story, usually not true
noun - popular Mexican liquor
verb - to make something less strong, less severe or less aggressive
noun - clothes that are worn directly on the body under other clothes, e.g. bra, panties, underpants etc.
verb - to make something work by turning something round and round, e.g. a clock, a toy etc.
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