Vydáno dne 30.09.2010
Zimní sporty anglicky, ilustrace, definice, výslovnost…
noun - a winter sport in which the skiers ski off 2-4 metre jumps, spinning, somersaulting etc. in the air
noun - a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting
noun - a vehicle that moves down an icy track at great speed
noun - a winter sport in which you travel over a quite flat land on skis
noun - a winter sport in which the players slide stones across ice into the target area
noun - a kind of winter sport in which you go down the mountain on skis
noun - a kind of skating in which the people kind of dance on ice, jump, spin etc.
noun - a kind of snowboarding in which you make tricks (jumps, turns, etc.)
noun - a game for two teams played on ice in which score by hitting a small black thing (a puck) into the opponent's goal using long wooden sticks
noun - a winter sport in which the competitors slide down an icy track on a special kind of sledge
noun - a winter sport in which skiers go down a ramp and try to jump as far as possible
noun - a ski race in which the skiers have to wind between poles, quickly turning right and left
noun - a winter sport in which you ride down a snow-covered slope on a wide wooden or plastic board
noun - a winter sport in which skaters race on ice
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