Vydáno dne 18.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně GIRLFRIEND zpěvačky Avril Lavigne
adjective - that can make you unable to stop doing it or taking it (such as drugs)
adverb - good enough
adjective - of higher quality etc.
conjunction, informal - because
adjective - very tasty, very good or pleasant, cute
noun - one of the five parts on each hand, you usually use it to touch something etc.
noun - the girl who has a romantic relationship with somebody
pronoun - something belonging to me
adjective - very valuable
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - the daughter of a king or queen, the wife of a prince
noun - something that is kept hidden from people, something not known to people
verb - to get lower and lower, usually under the surface of something
adjective - not intelligent, smart or clever; silly
adverb - with each other, with one another, side by side
verb, informal - an informal word for 'want to'
phrase - a word you say when you don't care about something, when something doesn't matter to you
verb - to cover from all sides
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