Vydáno dne 18.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně KISS ME skupiny Sixpence None the Richer
noun - a plant that is grown in fields and is used for baking or for making beer
adjective - having a beard
preposition - at a lower place than
preposition - next to, by the side of
noun - a piece of women's clothing, it is usually long and covers the body from the shoulders to the knees or below
noun - a small flying insect that produces faint light at night
noun - the flat ground that people dance on
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
verb - to touch somebody with your lips in order to show love or affection
verb - to go in the direction (e.g. a road, exit etc.)
verb - to pick something up, to put something higher
verb - to put a spot somewhere as a sign of something
adjective - looking, tasting or smelling like milk
adjective - lit by the moon
adverb - every night
adjective - made of whitish precious metal, or being of the colour of this metal
verb - to shine with many small flashing lights
verb - to turn quickly round and round
noun - a kind of movement of the feet in dancing
verb - to clap your hands and thus give a signal for the band to start playing
verb - to move back and forth or from side to side while hanging from something
noun - a narrow road or path for walking
noun - a wooden house built in a tree
noun - the light from the sky after the sun goes down but before it becomes completely dark
noun - the thick dark rubber tube around a wheel of a car, bike, motorbike etc.
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