Vydáno dne 21.05.2009
Slovíčka z písně HALO zpěvačky Beyonce
adjective - unable to stop doing something or taking something (such as drugs)
noun - a messenger from God, who watches over people and helps them
verb - to stop sleeping or to make somebody/something stop sleeping
verb - to breach (a law, an agreement, a rule, etc.)
verb - to be on fire
noun - a feeling of not being sure about something
noun - the act of putting your arms around somebody to show your affection
noun - the front of your head, there are two eyes and a nose and mouth
verb - to disappear slowly
verb - to drop to the ground
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
verb - not to know something that you knew before
noun - God's kindness to people
noun - a natural force that attracts things
noun - a circle of light above a saint's head
verb - to allow somebody to enter
verb - to wish something
verb - to move something towards you; to draw something along behind you
verb - to try defend oneself, not to give up easily
noun - a line of light
verb - to keep in mind, not to forget
noun - a danger, a possibility that you will lose something
noun - a law or order that tells people what they should or have to do
verb - to protect from death or from damage
verb - to close, to make something closed
noun - something that can be heard
verb - to be or go all around something or somebody
verb - to make a very serious promise
verb - to fall suddenly
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