Vydáno dne 23.05.2009
Slovní zásoba z kvízu zaměřeného na seriál PRISON BREAK
adjective - having or involving guns
noun, formal - the crime of physically attacking someone
noun - a small room in a prison where a criminal is locked
noun - a prisoner who one shares a cell with
noun - a device used to execute prisoners by electrocuting them
noun - a team of soldiers who execute prisoners by shooting them to death
noun - a wild animal that looks like a dog, it is usually red and has got a thick tail
verb - to set something (or someone) up, to make someone appear guilty
noun - a room where prisoners are executed by deadly gas
noun - a person whose job is to protect somebody from harm
verb, formal - to lock someone up esp. in prison
noun - a way of putting medicine into the body through the skin by using a thin needle
adjective - deadly, capable of causing death
noun - the crime of killing a person (by accident, not intentionally)
noun - an act of killing somebody deliberately
noun - a name that people use for you instead of your real name
noun - the Japanese art of folding paper into various forms and shapes
noun, formal - a prison
noun - the act of stealing money from a place (e.g. a bank) or from a person
verb - to give a punishment to a criminal
noun, American English - a person responsible for a prison
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