Vydáno dne 06.06.2009
Slovní zásoba z článku na Help for English
noun - a powder mixture that is used in baking
verb - to stir well using a fork or a special utensil
noun - a sweet baked food made of flour, eggs and sugar etc.
noun, British English - a round metal container in which you bake a cake
noun - a kind of long orange vegetable that grows in the ground
noun - an aromatic spice that is made from the bark of a tropical Asian tree, it is usually ground
noun - soft smooth white cheese that you can spread on bread etc.
noun - the white powder made from grains used for baking (bread etc.)
verb - to mix something into a mixture gently with a spoon etc.
noun, American English - a sweet covering of a cake etc.
adjective - (of food) broken into small particles by rubbing it against a special instrument
verb, informal - to make something very cold but not frozen; to let something become very cold but not frozen (usually in a fridge)
noun - a thickness of something on top of something else or between two things
verb - to form a border or edge of something
adjective - (of fruit etc.) fully grown and ready to be picked and/or eaten
noun - a long metal or wooden pin used to hold meat etc. together while cooking
verb - to put butter etc. over the surface of a slice of bread etc.
verb - to move the food in the pot a little while cooking in order not to burn it
noun - a nut with a wrinkled seed
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