Word formation 7

Vydáno dne 03.08.2010

Test znalosti tvoření slov pomocí různých koncovek, předpon apod.

Complete each gap with a suitable form of the word in brackets.

His face was full of sadness (sad) and grief.

1. Now that we are running out of oil and gas, the world should focus on ___________________________(1) (new) resources such as solar power, biomass etc.

2. Many of Shakespeare's plays are ___________________________(2) (time) classics. People will enjoy them in 400 years just as they did 400 years ago.

3. Our high school teacher was quite ___________________________(3) (insist) that we use British English in class. American English was considered incorrect.

4. Two weeks after possible ___________________________(4) (conceive) is a good time to test for pregnancy.

5. Because of several contract violations we have decided to ___________________________(5) (continue) our co-operation with them.

6. Average life ___________________________(6) (expect) at that time was 72 years for men and 80 years for women.

7. There's an ___________________________(7) (write) rule between friends: Never hook up with your friend's ex.

8. His body lay ___________________________(8) (motion) on the floor and everyone thought he was dead.

9. We all listened to his ___________________________(9) (word) presentation, wishing it would end. The man obviously just liked listening to himself.

10. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation considerably influences the ___________________________(10) (occur) of skin cancer.

Správné odpovědi: 1) renewable ; 2) timeless ; 3) insistent ; 4) conception ; 5) discontinue ; 6) expectancy ; 7) unwritten ; 8) motionless ; 9) wordy ; 10) occurrence
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