Idioms & Collocations: Communicating

Vydáno dne 30.08.2010

Otestujte si znalost kolokací a idiomů, dnes na téma „communicating“.

  1. A: Peter came to the party with his girlfriend. B: Well, ________ speaking, the girl was his ex.

    1. Bluntly
    2. Generally
    3. Properly
    4. Strictly
  2. A: You have to promise not to tell anyone. B: Don't worry, ________ the word.

    1. dad's
    2. mum's
    3. no
    4. not
  3. I don't know if I can tell him about it. What if he ________ the beans again?

    1. eats
    2. loses
    3. spills
    4. tells
  4. It goes without ________ that you are invited to the party.

    1. mentioning
    2. saying
    3. speaking
    4. telling
  5. What do you think is the best means of ________ information? Definitely the Internet!

    1. dispelling
    2. disseminating
    3. dissenting
    4. distracting
  6. It's always nice to be spoken ________ of. Everybody needs to be appreciated now and then.

    1. greatly
    2. highly
    3. loudly
    4. nicely
  7. It's so hot. I wouldn't say ________ to a popsicle, would you?

    1. don't
    2. never
    3. no
    4. not
  8. A: Does he know that his brother got arrested? B: Not yet. I am going to ________ the news to him when I know he's ready.

    1. break
    2. divulge
    3. leak
    4. state
  9. We have to ________ the police of the break-in.

    1. notate
    2. note
    3. notificate
    4. notify
  10. She was ________ dead two hours after the accident.

    1. announced
    2. claimed
    3. proclaimed
    4. pronounced
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) b, 3) c, 4) b, 5) b, 6) b, 7) c, 8) a, 9) d, 10) d
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