Vydáno dne 12.08.2009
Words from a song by U2
noun, informal - a slang word for a policeman
verb - to make secret plans
noun - an opening, an empty space in something
noun - the place where the sky seems to meet the earth
noun - time or space that does not end
adjective - not having a connection with the subject discussed
adjective - going in one line
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
noun - a short stop
noun - a secret plan to do something esp. illegal
verb - to play again
verb - to return a tape, cassette, film etc. to the beginning
noun - a large body of salty water, smaller and not as deep as an ocean
noun - a hard covering of an animal, e.g. a snail, turtle etc.
noun - a plan to achieve something by deceiving other people
noun - a device that gives off a warning signal, often a long loud wailing sound
verb - to become larger in volume
noun - the part of the body that you use to taste food, it is in your mouth and moves when you speak
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
noun - all the stars, planets, galaxies etc.
verb - to make a long cry that shows great sorrow, sadness or unhappiness
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