Vydáno dne 18.09.2010
Umíte používat podstatné jméno TIME správně?
Once upon ________ time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a king.
I've worked here for ________ time now so I think I should be the one to get promoted.
The Americans have their first black president. ________ changing, I guess.
Please keep an eye on your children ________ times.
I think I'll try to find a job. – It's ________ time!
________ time. The paper isn't due until next week so there's no need to rush.
I have something to discuss with you. Is this ________ time?
Ask just one question ________ and then listen to the answer.
If you want to see them, you should do it soon. They're leaving in ________.
He may have gotten away with it before but ________ before he gets caught.