Vydáno dne 24.09.2009
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 1, Reading on page 10
noun - ancient history
noun - a place where the coast is curved inwards
verb - to merge together, to come together at a particular point
noun - a place where a river divides before flowing into the sea etc.
noun - a kind of boat that travels across a channel or a river and carries people, cars, buses etc.
noun - a very bad traffic jam in which no movement is possible
noun - one half of a planet or a ball
verb - to use the car horn
noun - a kind of boat that has special wings on the bottom that lift it up as it travels at high speed
verb - to move quickly and suddenly, esp. when you attack someone
verb - to stay in a particular place for a longer time than usual
adjective - happening in the Middle Ages, coming from the Middle Ages
noun - a very wet area covered with grass
noun - one of the light parts that cover the body of a bird
noun - an area or a wide path where people walk
noun - a deep narrow valley, usually formed by a river etc.
noun - a person who lives somewhere
adjective - connected with the life outside towns
noun - the music written for a film etc.
verb - to stretch over a large area
noun - water in the air in the form of many small drops
adjective - of greatest power or authority
noun - a passionate Latin-American ballroom dance
adjective - belonging to the time, not old or old-fashioned
noun - a beautiful view
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