Vydáno dne 07.10.2009
Words from Objective Proficiency, Unit 1, page 9
verb - to cause
verb - to interrupt someone when they are saying something
verb - to stop supplying money, electricity etc.
verb - to decide not to do something
verb - to prepare a formal document, plan etc.
adjective - done in a very detailed way
noun - one of the key things that people believed the world was build of (water, earth, fire and air)
noun - something that you have done showing your strenght, courage or skill
verb - to avoid doing something you have to do
verb - to think that you are better than somebody
noun - the human race, all the people in the world
noun - an imaginary line between the North and South Pole
verb - to notice, to feel or see
verb - to leave a husband or wife and have a relationship with someone else
adjective - difficult to notice, not very obvious
adjective - not able to be explained by science, such as magic, etc.
verb - to keep alive, to provide everything that something or someone needs to exist
verb - to become friends with someone
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