Vydáno dne 15.10.2009
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 2, Speaking and writing, pages 16–17
verb - to have an influence on something, to make something change
adjective - totally fit
verb - to bring, to go and get
noun - a kind of illness caused by breathing in the pollen of some plants, its symptoms are a runny nose, sore throat etc.
phrase - almost nothing
noun, informal - a long loose piece of clothing that women sometimes wear in bed
adverb - working at the moment
noun - a skill or art of making pots out of clay, the products made from clay
adjective, informal - expensive, very expensive
verb - to stay or be left behind
noun - a dull unchanging routine that you can't escape
noun - a large fish with pink flesh, it lives in northern seas but travels up rivers to breed
adjective - very impressive
verb - to go through pain or difficulty
verb, informal - to steal something
adjective - not of legal age, not old enough to be legally allowed to drink, vote, get married etc.
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