Vydáno dne 24.10.2009
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 2, Listening, page 19
adjective - worried and fearful
adjective - having rocks, cliffs etc.
noun - an intensive course
noun - a signal for somebody to say something or do something
noun - a kind of title you get when you graduate from a university, e.g. Ph.D., M.A., etc.
noun - the moral beliefs of a particular culture
verb, British English, informal - to want to do something or feel like doing something
noun - an area of land that belongs to a building etc.
noun - a liquid you put on wet hair in order to change its colour
noun - a straight plastic or wooden thing which you can use for drawing straight lines and for measuring centimetres or inches
noun - a place where animals cannot be hunted and where they can breed
noun, British English - the act or the skill of defending yourself
noun - a delay in a story or film that makes it more exciting or frightening for people
verb - to start doing a regular activity, such as a sport or hobby etc.
verb - to speak angrily to somebody who has done something bad
adjective, informal - a little crazy but funny
verb - to walk about without a particular goal or direction
verb, informal - to hit someone
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