Vydáno dne 29.10.2009
Slovíčka z CLOZE Testu na stránkách HFE
adjective - very old, belonging to a time long ago
adjective - happening once a year
noun - attraction, something that interests you or stimulates you
noun - a person's feelings about something or behaviour to something
noun - a kind of short cloak without sleeves
noun - variation or movement from the generally accepted norm
noun - complete commitment to something or somebody, often used in a religious context
verb - to live through something hard or unpleasant, to suffer through something
noun, formal - formal clothes worn to evening social events
adjective - expensive and fashionable, better than ordinary, fantastic, having fantastic colours, shape etc.
noun - the part of the body under the skin including muscles, fat etc.
noun - clothes etc.
noun - unusual and silly-looking outfit
adjective - feeling superior to others, looking down on other people
adjective - acting as an icon
adverb - really, in reality, used to emphasize a statement
adjective - showing or pointing out something
verb - to become fully developed or grown; to become adult
noun - the clothes that are worn in a particular situation
verb - to make someone stop feeling angry or upset
noun - a territory controlled or ruled by a particular person
noun - gradual movement from one stage to another
adjective - very enthusiastic and (often) behaving in an unacceptable way
adjective - possible to be recognized or identified
verb - to show something that was hidden or secret
adjective - (of clothes) small, revealing a lot of body
noun - the soul, the part of body that is not physical
noun - a child in a costume who goes from door to door on Halloween and asks people for candy
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