Vydáno dne 10.11.2009
Slovíčka z písně LOSING GRIP zpěvačky Avril Lavigne
adverb - with nobody else, with nobody's help
adjective - knowing or realizing something
preposition - next to, by the side of
verb - to be interested in or worry about something
noun - an example of something, a situation solved by the police, a detective or a court
verb - to weep, to make loud sounds showing your unhappiness and sadness, to produce tears
verb - to make a choice, to make up your mind
noun - the front of your head, there are two eyes and a nose and mouth
verb - to smile showing your teeth
noun - a firm hold of something
noun - an act of putting your arms around somebody to show affection
noun, informal - a girl
adjective - not able to be seen
adjective - still there when everything else has gone or been taken away
verb - to fix two things together securely
verb - to have something no more; to put something somewhere where you can't find it
adjective - not able to find the way or solution
adverb - in a way that can be heard, not silently
verb - to put something somewhere
adjective - true, not imagined
verb - to know again something or somebody you've met or known before
adjective - afraid of something, feeling fear
noun - a long direct look at something
verb - to lose your balance because you catch your foot on something
verb - to refuse to look at someone, to refuse to deal with something
adverb - completely
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