Vydáno dne 18.11.2009
Words from Objective CAE – Workbook, Unit 3, Reading, page 10
verb, formal - to make changes to a legal document
adjective - happening once a year
noun - a lawyer (in Britain or Canada) who can argue cases in the higher courts
noun - the act of directing or controlling something
verb - to give something (money etc.) in order to achieve something together with other people
adjective - connected with discipline
verb - to write the first version of a piece of writing (an essay etc.)
adjective - not safe
noun - a mutual action, communication between two people or groups of people
verb - to have enough money to be able to afford basic things
noun - a characteristic way of thinking, esp. when talking about a group of people
noun - a thing according to which something happens
noun - a type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares legal documents and represents clients in lower courts
noun - the act of trying to overcome something very hard
adjective, formal - under the authority of, dependent on
noun - a person who is being trained
noun - a sudden unplanned wish or desire
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