Vydáno dne 08.12.2009
Slovíčka z vánoční písně na Help for English.
verb, dated - to carry something
adjective - sharp and unpleasant (cold etc.)
verb - to make holy, to ask God to favour something
noun - a thing that brings you much happiness and which you are grateful for
noun - the red liquid that flows inside our body
verb - (of air) to move
adjective - brave, not afraid
adverb - in a bright way
adjective - frosty, pleasantly cold
adjective - enjoying hurting somebody and causing pain to someone
verb, formal - to eat dinner
noun, literary - someone's home, the building etc. where you live
adjective - flat, level, smooth; equal
noun - a special day celebrating something
noun - a wooden or metal or wire barrier that runs around a garden etc. to prevent people or animals from getting in or out
noun - meat
noun - a mark left on the ground made by a foot, the sound of somebody making a step
noun - a large area of land covered with trees
adverb - forward
noun - a water spring
verb - to become frozen, to become solid because of a very low temperature
noun - the weather condition with very low temperature
noun - material that is burned in order to produce heat or to make a machine work
verb - to come together, to pick things and put them in one place
adverb, formal - from here; from this time
adverb, dated - here
noun - a cry of sadness or grief
noun, dated - a unit of distance, approx. 3 miles
noun - a tree trunk that has been cut and rid of branches
verb - to notice something, to pay attention to something
noun - a king or queen, a ruler of a country who inherits the right to rule
noun, dated - a boy servant
noun - a poor person, usually one that has a very low social status, who works on a small piece of land (grows crops or keeps animals)
noun - a tall tree with needles that bears cones
adjective - not having much money, not wealthy
verb - to have something as your own, to own
noun - extreme anger and violence
noun - a position in a hierarchy (social, military etc.)
verb - to produce light
noun - what you can see
noun, formal - the layer of ground with grass and roots in it
adverb - for that reason
adverb, dated - there
pronoun, dated - an archaic form of the personal pronoun YOU (used as a subject)
adverb - in spite of the fact
verb - to make steps with your feet
preposition - under, below
noun - a lot of money or valuable things that you own
noun - the condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow etc. at a certain time at a certain place
adjective - (of animals, plants etc.) living in natural conditions; not grown or bred by people
noun - moving air
noun - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
determiner, literary - distant and yet in sight
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